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B+B Thermo-Technik Messtechnik & Sensorik | Measurement technology & sensors | 35 Jahre

35-year company anniversary

35 years ago, the current senior boss Rudolf Boll laid the foundation for the family-run company B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH with his company foundation in Allmendshofen. In small premises, he tinkered with measuring solutions and electronic components. Over the years, the company grew steadily. Already 4 years after the foundation, the boss and his first employees moved to the new company building in Donaueschingen. After 10 years this building had to be extended, because the demand for the products kept increasing. In 1999, B+B was a pioneer in venturing into the digital age. With the founding of its own online store, the family-owned company became a pioneer in the industry and from then on also served customers with products via the Internet. Steady growth was also followed by the establishment of additional locations. Thus, in 2003 a branch office was founded in the Netherlands and in 2010 a production site in China (Chongqing). As early as 2008, the company building in Donaueschingen was again extended by a large annex, as the production areas were no longer sufficient.

In 2011, B+B Thermo-Technik GmbH took over the humidity and pressure business areas of Hygrosens Instruments and thus further expanded its range of measurement technology for a wide variety of applications.

There was also already a turnaround in the management. In 2014, senior boss Rudolf Boll welcomed his eldest daughter Kim-Chantal Boll to the management level, and in 2017 her younger sister Evamaria Boll-Scholte van Mast followed suit.

In 2018, the family business continued to expand and an additional sales location was established in Hong Kong.

With this location, the medium-sized company is expanding its global network more and more. In addition, further locations are planned worldwide in order to be able to continue to meet the high demand and customer requirements.

To celebrate the anniversary, the management invites all employees including their families to a joint summer party. The anniversary is to be celebrated in a cozy, family atmosphere and 35 successful years are to be remembered in an exuberant mood.

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